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BT Gala '24 - Live from New York!

We are SOLD OUT, our ticket waitlist is CLOSED and our Journal entry deadline has PASSED, but you can use this form to make DONATIONS and purchase RAFFLE TICKETS!

If you have a Bet Torah ShulCloud account, please login before completing this form.

Ticket Waitlist

Our ticket waitlist is now CLOSED. 


We appreciate your help and support even if you cannot attend the event. Event honorees will be notified of your donation. Proceeds from the Gala 2024 will go towards Bet Torah's Annual Fund. Thank you!

50/50 Raffle

The winner will receive 50% of the total raffle revenue collected! Event attendance is not required. 

How many raffle tickets would you like to purchase? (check any/all that apply)

Grand Total

Thank you so much for your support of Bet Torah's Gala 2024!  Payment will be captured on the next page. 
Mon, September 9 2024 6 Elul 5784