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Bet Torah’s Lifelong Learning activities embody the Jewish tradition of Torah Lishmah, study for its own sake.

Wherever you are on your Jewish journey, our learning opportunities will stretch you spiritually, help you grow intellectually, and build community both on-line and in-person.

Regular Schedule Ongoing Programs Upcoming Programs

For more information about any of these programs, email VP of Lifelong Learning, Sharon Pollack, or Rabbi Lisa Sacks.

Regular Schedule

Mondays - Jewish Mindful Movement one Monday each month from 9:15 - 10:30 am, facilitated by Robin Wald

Tuesdays - Hebrew Language Classes, Mornings in person. Contact Nili Ionascu to sign up.

Wednesdays - Film Club one Wednesday each month at 5 pm, on zoom.

Fridays - Women's Torah Study, 10 am, in person and on

Fridays - Parashat HaShavua, 12:45 pm, on zoom

Saturdays - Going Rogue: The Bet Torah Apocrypha Study Group, around 1 pm

Ongoing Programs and Groups


Text Study

  • Going Rogue: The Bet Torah Apocrypha Study Group: Bet Torah’s version of the international 929 project to read a chapter of the Bible each day. Now, onto the Apocrypha!
  • Parashat HaShavua: Join fellow congregants in studying the weekly Torah portion. Fridays at 12:45 pm.
  • Women’s Torah Study: Study and explore the weekly parasha, from the woman’s perspective! Fridays at 10:00 am.
  • Mussar: A 1,000-year-old Jewish spiritual practice focusing on the development of one’s character traits. This ongoing group will meet monthly facilitated by Rabbi Sacks. 


Arts & Culture

  • Film Club: Watch the film on your own and come together to discuss. Curated by Liz Schonfeld and facilitated by Rabbi Sacks. One  Wednesday each month at 5:00 pm. On zoom and in person.
  • Great Jewish Books Club: Always a lively discussion. For details and book selection, email Ed Feinberg. Third Thursday of the month at 8:00 pm.
  • Hebrew Language Classes: Learning Hebrew the fun and easy way. Taught by Nili Ionascu. Classes offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Contact Nili Ionascu if interested.


Community Connections

  • Mitzvah Needles: Weekly meetings of knitting and crocheting to help those in need!
  • Torah in the Trees: Join Rabbi Sacks and Sharon Pollack for an easy hour-long walk and talk. Dogs welcome. First Thursday of the month, 10:00 am at Rockwood Hall, Phelps Way, Sleepy Hollow, NY beginning September 5.
  • Small Groups: Bet Torah’s ongoing initiative to build community and support learning in a small group environment. New groups always forming. If you're interested, contact Rabbi Sacks


Matan: The Gift of Adult Jewish Learning: Our comprehensive 7-month Essentials of Judaism class is taught by Rabbis Brusso and Sacks. Begins again in September 2024 and culminates on Shavuot 2025.

Lishma: A Deep Dive Into Jewish Learning: New units each month, register for one or all! Taught by Rabbis Brusso and Sacks:


For more community engagement, join us in our Sisterhood, Men's Club and Social Action activities.

Tue, October 22 2024 20 Tishrei 5785