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Birth Of A Child

Call us when you have your baby! We want to hear the news! We will help you design your at-home or synagogue-based ritual, whether it is a boy or girl. Should you have a boy and are in need of a mohel for the bris, call or stop by the synagogue office for some suggested names. Your daughter can be named in the synagogue during a Shabbat service.


Call us when you or your child is thinking about marriage and/or has become engaged. We are here to help support the happy couple!

B'nai Mitzvah

We run comprehensive programs for both children of Bar/Bat Mitzvah age and adults. Learn more

Family Illness

The rabbi will always make time to visit you in the hospital. Please let the office know of an illness in your family. Here, too, our Helping Hands Committee is there for you, cooking meals, providing transportation, etc. Practical assistance and acts of loving-kindness in times of trouble make Bet Torah a second family for its congregants. Should you or another member of your family need counseling or any other assistance with a long-term illness, we can refer you to services in the community that can help.

Passing of a Loved One

When there is a death in your family, your community would like to be there for you. Please inform the Rabbi of your loss. The office can help in making funeral arrangements. The entire congregation is then notified of this death as part of an automated call relay system. Bet Torah has burial plots available at the King David Memorial Gardens Cemetery in Putnam Valley. Members of our community will assist with shivah arrangements, if needed—Bet Torah has kits, chairs and leaders ready to help. A Shabbat meal will be provided and our minyan can be moved to the shivah house.

There is a Bereavement Group that meets to help you through this difficult time of your life. Our active Caring Committee will be there for you, ready to anticipate and perform whatever mitzvah will aid you including cooking and bringing meals, and providing transportation, as needed.

Sat, January 25 2025 25 Tevet 5785